Business Strategy
Does Capital Structure Matter
The capital structure of a modern corporation is, at its rudimentary level, determined by the organisational need for long-term funds and its satisfaction through two specific long-term capital sources, i.e. shareholder-provided equity and long-term debt from diverse external agencies (Damodaran, 2004). These sources, with specific regard to joint stock companies, retain their identity but assume different shapes.
Principles and Applications of Taylorism
The work of Fredrick Taylor, (1856 – 1915), widely known as the founder of scientific management, has been instrumental in shaping management thought and action in diverse areas of business and industry for the major part of the 20th century.
Strategic Analysis: The Case of Sainsbury’s Plc
The application of strategic analytical models to an organisation and the evaluation of their results helps in the generation of a comprehensive corporate strategy.
Deliberate and Emergent Schools for Strategy
Deliberate and Emergent strategies are situated at two ends of the strategic continuum, but have been used with success by modern organisations.
Strategy Formulation and Management of Change Application to a Healthcare Organisation
The application of strategy to a particular business sector makes it easier to understand its practical implications than a generalised discussion.
Accounting is a Strategic Business Tool
Several experts, from the 1980s onward, have focused on the importance of strategic management accounting and presented strong cases for its adoption.