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Outsourcing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Outsourcing: Advantages and Disadvantages

The dramatic changes that have occurred in the global business and economic environment in recent times have not just created great growth opportunities for western businesses, but also provided them with new avenues for improvement of efficiency, productivity and profitability.

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The Use of History in the Field of Intelligence in the Backdrop of Major Epistemological Limitations to its use as a Learning Tool

The Use of History in the Field of Intelligence in the Backdrop of Major Epistemological Limitations to its use as a Learning Tool

History very clearly affects learning and the course of events (Butterfield, 1965). Historical research has, however, been constantly exposed to external bias on account of its role in the development of social and political consensus through the definition of collective identities, loyalties and exclusions, ever since the 19th century, when it was incorporated as an essential element of school curricula in European countries, aimed at raising soldiers and patriots.

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